Wednesday 29 September 2010

Lab Craft

I am really looking forward to seeing this new touring 
exhibition from the Crafts Council.

The exhibition features 26 makers who combine the hand, mind and eye, 
technical mastery of tools and material and aesthetic sensibility, with 
cutting-edge digital technologies such as rapid prototyping, laser cutting, 
laser scanning and digital printing.

Lab Craft will next be shown at:  Turnpike Gallery, Leigh, Greater Manchester 
30 October - 18 December 2010

Sunday 26 September 2010


Huddersfield Open Studio Trail

I visited Samantha Bryan today at her new studio, at West Yorkshire Print 
Workshop in Mirfield.  Samantha makes exquisitely hand crafted fairies who 
practice strange and wonderful feats of flight.

Friday 24 September 2010

My New Studio Space

This is my new studio space for the final year of my degree in Textile Crafts
at the University of Huddersfield.

And an aerial drawing of Menwith Hill, the US Electronic Monitoring 
Station (or Spy Base) in North Yorkshire.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Nigel Peake

Through Six Cities Design Festival
I came across this image by Nigel Peake, I have admired his work for some time but this is a collage that I haven't seen before.  I like the juxtaposition of the images and the combination of found paper and drawings.  I love the detail and the intensity in his drawings.

Image from:

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Tomas Saraceno

14 billions  by Tomas Saraceno at the Baltic in Gateshead.

I saw this installation last week and absolutely loved it.  It is totally inspiring.
The piece is a giant model of the web of the Black Widow spider created from thin bungee cords.  The web is composed of 8000 black strings connected by over 23,000 individually tied knots and is housed within a specially created space.  It took a group of technicians 2 weeks to install carefully adhering to Saraceno's plan and numbering system.  The title 14 billions refers to the estimated age of the Universe.

The installation is on display until 10th October 2010.

Images: The Baltic.