Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Balance

The Balance is a beautiful visual representation of two sound waves colliding. The video created by Lithuanian artist Rimantas Lukavicius, shows us the sound traveling trough air, a thing we will never be able to see.

There is no explanation to be found on how the video was made, and if an analysis of the actual sound we hear was used as input. I guess it is just the aesthetics that count, this time. 

Video from Vimeo.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Amber Hards

Amber Hards is a knitwear designer just graduating from the University of the West of England, Bristol.  These images are from her Graduate Collection.   Nylon monofilament knitted on a dubied.

Friday 5 November 2010

Yu-Shin 'Mue' Kim

I remember seeing this work a couple of years ago and it has stayed in my mind.
It seems really relevant now as I am looking at veils / headwear / bubbles.

MFA Fashion and Knitwear Apr 2007

Airborne Video Dress

The Video dresses are created by 15000 LEDs embedded beneath the fabric. One dress displays hazy silhouettes of sharks in the sea whilst the other shows a time-lapse sequence of a rose blooming then retracting. The effect is mesmerizing in its ambiguity: the loose white fabric covering the LEDS blurs and distorts the images so that they seem to pulsate in and out of existence.

Twice named “British Designer of the Year”, Hussein Chalayan is one of the most innovative, experimental and conceptual fashion designers of the present. By teaming up with engineering mastermind, Moritz Waldemeyer, he was able to turn even his most outlandish concepts into a reality.


The design brief was to create two video dresses that would show video sequences across the entire surface of the dress. There were just 4 weeks from the go ahead to the show, demanding a very pragmatic approach: no exotic components or materials, just off the shelf components and standard manufacturing techniques.
Given the inherent simplicity of the design, maybe one day in the not too distant future, we’ll all be wearing our favorite videos on our clothes!

Monday 1 November 2010

Lucy Orta

Nexus Architecture x 50 Intervention Köln by Lucy Orta, 2001 

"Television, mass-communication technology, the information age, have all combined to revolutionize the social arena and distort our perception of our immediate surroundings. From the comfort of the remote control, to the security of the Living Room, we stand witness to the gradual erosion of the individual and our ability to function effectively as a collective unit. The phantom of difference transcends the spectre of the social order just as the notion of private space has become subsumed within the public arena… In a social environment such as this, founded on a set of inherent, dare we say schizophrenic contradictions; the work of Lucy Orta holds a special resonance. Intimately tied to the notion of Collective Action, her artistic endeavours create a symbolic space of interaction between the individual and his immediate neighbour. For George Simmel, the innate pressures of the urban environment that Lucy so eloquently confronts in her work, lead ultimately to a loss of self. Due to the myriads of differentiated interests and inter-relationships contained within the modern city the individual becomes entwined within the mass of humanity. Lost within a surfeit of what he describes as a many membered organism. In contrast, Lucy’s umbilical structures create an organism of a different type; a symbolic organism that proffers itself as a direct physical and visual intervention. Her constructions, with their many detachable appendages or Social Links unite different individuals into a self-sufficient entity that signals the power of a collective body over the isolation of a single soul. Nexus Architecture forges new inter-relationships and challenges notions of personal and cultural identity, the environment and the way we communicate and interact with each other." Mark Sanders